Thank you for your interest in the Chamber Ambassador Program.
Chamber Ambassadors are volunteers from Chamber-member businesses and organizations who give their time to promote the programs and activities of the Chamber of Commerce, educate and involve new members in Chamber functions and activities, and promote goodwill between the Chamber and the regional community. They represent the Chamber at all sponsored functions, and help recruit and retain members.
You can become a Chamber Ambassador! Just fill out the application below.
For more information and the responsibilities of an Ambassador, call us at 270.821.3435 or email
• Chamber Ambassadors are the most dedicated, enthusiastic members.
• They understand the benefits and bonuses of chamber membership.
• They are empowered to work on the Chamber’s behalf, promoting the mission, and providing another face of business.
• They have the opportunity to network with people at the decision-maker level.
• They join groups to be a part of something larger than themselves.
Ambassador Application
Inspire Investor: