About Us
The Hopkins County Regional Chamber of Commerce, Inc. is a non-profit corporation founded in 1928 to advance and improve civic conditions, business methods, and public welfare, and to advertise and develop the industries and resources of Madisonville, KY. Today the organization works to promote business and commerce for the Hopkins County region through leadership in economic, governmental, social, and educational development. In pursuing its mission, the Chamber is an advocate, catalyst and service provider focusing on those issues which affect the area’s economic vitality.

Connection - The chamber hosts a variety of networking opportunities including the Ambassador program, Chamber After Hours, ribbon cuttings, educational events, and its popular golf tournament. It offers visibility to members so they can stand out and get noticed as an active member of our community!
Heart- serving as the heart of the business community, the HUB for business. Acting as a unifying force that helps businesses to thrive. Promotes the importance of supporting local.
Advocacy - representing the collective concerns and needs of the business community each year. An advocate for its members on a local, regional, and national level. A collective voice when it comes to relevant policy issues; including workforce, housing, education, and childcare.
Marketing - helping to market member businesses through social media, weekly newsletters, our online directory, and through various targeted campaigns (such as the small business season). We refer business to our members. As the chamber grows its membership, the larger audience it reaches with information. The annual membership investment for a small business can be less than 1 newspaper ad or 10 radio spots.
Products - offering products like Clearpath Specialty with a discount for workmans’ compensation insurance, Chamber Advantage, an affordable insurance plan that can lead to savings for small businesses. Opportunity to participate in BluMine Health, an efficient way to offer primary and wellness care for employees and 401K, a cost-effective and easy way to implement a turnkey 401(K) employee program, member to member discounts including radio and newspaper advertising for new members, and member discounts to attend chamber events.
Meet The Chamber Team
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